Saturday, October 15, 2011

Putting on the Brakes to Maintain Balance

I used to keep a diary in a spiral notebook that was tucked under my bed. Every night I propped myself up on my pillows, climbed under the covers, and began a dialog with myself. It was good therapy, especially when I was going through difficult times. Writing provided an acceptable outlet for airing my innermost feelings. With each stroke of the pen, my thoughts became more clear, and I was always surprised by how much I had to say once I began. After going on for quite some time, I would suddenly realize that it was well past the time that I had intended to turn off the light. Over a few years, I managed to fill up a good sized box with my journals. Presently, the box lies sealed in my basement. Perhaps one day, I will feel comfortable incorporating those thoughts into something I publish, though my ramblings may have to appear as fiction.

I write in spurts and often hesitate to start the process because everything else becomes less important. Beginning this blog was an effort to incorporate some self-discipline into my current writing process. My aim this time is to write on a regular basis, but to limit the time that I spend on it each day. Hopefully, by chronicling the process, I will become accountable to myself and to my followers about my progress.

Presently I am writing one to three hours a day. I am making steady progress with my current project, but still struggle with creating the best balance. There are so many things in life that I want to do and need to do, it is difficult to find the time for everything. I cannot let the writing take over.

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